Wednesday, May 7, 2014

WCC 5/7/14: JOU League & our first L5R Tournament!


Today we bring you some cool news!

First, let us discuss our Journey Into NYX SEALED LEAGUE!

Here's how it will work:

Entry fee: $40

Begins: Friday, 5/9/14 (This Friday!)

What you get: You will roll a D6 for a random one of the five Journey into Nyx Prerelease kits. If you roll a "6" side on the D6, you get to choose your color instead. You will crack your kit and record your Sealed pool with us (and cards added to your pool at later dates will be added to this recorded pool).

How it works: Every Standard-legal card in your kit will compose your Sealed Deck pool. The League will run for five weeks! Each week cycles as we open on Mondays, except the first Monday (because we like to give the first week some extra "grace period" by starting the league on Friday instead of Monday). You get to play three ranked Sealed Deck League matches per week, against other players in the League (limit one match per individual, each week). We will record your wins and losses. Matches are best 2 out of 3.

-At the start of Week 2 (Monday, 5/19/14), each player will receive a free booster of Theros to add to their League Sealed Pool.

-At the start of Week 3 (Monday, 5/26/14), each player will receive a free booster of Born of the Gods to add to their League Sealed Pool.

-At the start of Week 4 (Monday, 6/2/14), each player will receive a free booster of Journey Into Nyx to add to their League Sealed Pool.

-At the start of Week 5 (Monday, 6/9/14), each player will receive a free booster of their choice from Theros Block to add to their League Sealed Pool.

Our Journey Into Nyx Sealed League will end by close of business on Sunday, 6/15/14! There will be awesome prize support and it will be awarded based on record primarily, with most-games-played being the tie-breaker! Expect some random prizes too ;-)

Next up, we will be hosting an awesome LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS Tournament at the end of this month!

Curio Cavern's first Legend of the Five Rings TOURNAMENT 

When: Saturday, 5/31/14 at 1:00PM

Entry Fee: $25

Format: Ivory Edition Constructed (The Coming Storm will not be legal yet)

Prize Support
-The same complete foil common set of Ivory Edition awarded at major Kotei Tournaments
-A booster box of Ivory Edition & The Coming Storm
-Foil promos, including foil Oracle of the Void
-High-value Foils, including a foil Jade Pearl Inn
-Hard-to-find L5R gold-plated Life Counters
-L5R clan-specific Dice Sets
& more ;-)

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