Your arms are sore. You spent at least six hours over the past three days heaving clumps of snow and ice, so that you may one day free your parked car from its frozen prison. You let out a deep sigh of exhaustion.
Finished; free. The local snowplow set you back a bit, but you overcame that hurdle. You basically worked out like a madman, shoveling all of that snow. And now you get to breath easy, wake up, and drive to Luray Caverns or the local Planet Play or whatever it is you kids do these days.
Alas. Something's wrong. It's somehow too quiet. And suddenly, like a hurricane of insight, it dawns on you: only one thing can make the world that quiet and seemingly peaceful: more snow.
But rest easy, my friends! It was but a light dusting to pretty our climate-crazed environment for another day :-)
Welcome to Tuesday, that day in the week where you think to yourself, "I guess I'll eat a bagel today; I like bagels, but only sometimes because they can kinda get laborious to eat after the third one in a row."
Today's DCC is all about our upcoming Netrunner Tournament League. Here's the full scoop, for your anxiously awaiting eyes:
Curio Cavern presents:
Netrunner Tournament League
Start date: Monday, March 3rd, 2014
Entry fee: $5/four week period (League Cycle), $10/tournament
How it works: Our Netrunner Tournament League will operate on a four week structure called a League Cycle. Entry fee for each League Cycle is $5. Each week of the League Cycle, you will play three Ranked Matches (playing as both Runner & Corp*), against three different players in the League**, recording your Match wins and losses with the staff, as well as your individual Corp & Runner wins (more on that in a bit).
At the end of each week (close-of-business Sunday nights), the player with the best overall record for that week will receive a random promo prize, while a random other participant in the League that's played their three matches for the week will also receive a random promo prize. Additionally, the player with the most wins as the Corp and the player with the most wins as the Runner (tiebreaker = wins with the other side) will each be marked as eligible for bonus credit in that League Cycle's upcoming tournament. This eligibility does not stack over multiple weeks. The start and end date of each League Cycle will be made clear on our Netrunner Tournament Center board in-store.
On the last day of each League Cycle (each fourth Sunday), we will host a sweet Netrunner Tournament at 2:00PM (4:00PM on days that we have large events scheduled, such as Star City Games Invitational Qualifiers). The entry fee for these tournaments will be $10, and it is open to all players, even those not in the League. Top 4/Top 8 will receive lots of store credit, taken from a combined pool of the entry fees for the Tournament and the entry fees for that League Cycle. Players will be allowed to optionally trade credit prizes for their choice(s) from a large pool of Netrunner promos of varying rarities as well. If, from League Cycle play, you scored eligibility for bonus credit, you will receive extra store credit if you win any in the tournament! The extra amount received will be based on the number of participants in that tournament.
Get ready to profit or pillage on the battlefield of cyberspace!
*We'll be following official Netrunner Tournament rules for recording results of League Cycle Ranked Matches. The winner of a game scores 10 match points, while the loser scores match points equal to the total Agenda Points he or she scored. To determine the overall winner, you total and compare your points after both games are played. Draws will be recorded as such. Don't forget to record your individual wins as Corp and as Runner for eligibility for bonus credit!
**Exception to this rule: You may play multiple Ranked Matches per week against staff who are also in the Netrunner Tournament League. If there are available players at the shop for you to play a Ranked Match with other than staff, you will be encouraged to play them first.
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