Monday, March 31, 2014

WCC 3/31/14: Raffle Drawing Preview & a Mini Tutorial!

Welcome back! It's a beautiful Monday and the weather is fantastic, until it decides to sleet/hail/snow again like yesterday... Today we treat you with a preview of prizes for this Saturday's Raffle Drawing:

So, if you're at all immersed in the artistic side of the Magic: the Gathering world, there are probably two forms of card alterations that you are most familiar with. The foremost being often referred to as simply "altered cards", where an individual takes paint or pen or some similar medium to the face of a Magic card and adds or changes the artwork. The second popular form takes a different set of skills, and is perhaps more appealing to those who have more of a technical interest than an artistic one. They are often called "3-D cards". They involve taking several copies of a single card and, through cutting mostly, are layered in a way that makes the artwork pop in a three-dimensional sense.

And, here at Curio, we have decided to make a few! We photographed some of the steps, and have a fun little tutorial to share with you.

3-D Card Alter Tutorial by Curio Cavern

Step 1: Find a nice blade! We recommend most variants of the common X-Acto Blade:

Additionally, you will need some glue to adhere the cards. Most forms of glue are fine, even rubber cement.

Step 2: Choose your card! Remember, you will be cutting up several copies of this card. We used five copies of the card we chose, which is...

Step 3: Plan it out. Decide what your layers are going to be. There's very little room for re-dos when you're cutting cards up! Remember that the first layer is going to be just the card itself, and you are cutting away more each time (usually). You're starting from the furthest point in the background, and taking a step closer to the foreground with each new layer. As you can see in Rayne above, the background consists of three primary components:

From furthest to closest:
-The sky
-The shadowed buildings
-The wall/ledge right behind Rayne

We chose to combine the sky and the shadowed buildings in our example, but these could have easily been broken up into two separate layers (cards). 

Step 4: Begin cutting! I highly suggest you do not glue anything together until you have all the cutting finished. After our cutting was completed, this was the result, pictured in layer order:

You will probably have some layers that are just the border of the card and some floating bits within.

We chose to leave the text box untouched in each layer, but it is easy to cut out all of the text boxes except the first layer's to add depth there as well. Several card alterers have even used the extra space created this way in the text box to turn the card into a mini abacus by installing one or a few metal wires/poles with beads on them into the text box area.

Step 5: Pen/paint the edges! This is an optional step, but I highly recommend it. All the edges you cut will be left white, showing the thickness of the cardboard. At a beginner level, just Sharpie all the edging that is left white. If you would like to put more work into it, try color-matching the edges.

Step 6: Glue your layers together! Here's our step-by-step process, showing you each separate layer (and our semi-color matched edging):

We start out with the base...

Layer 2 begins at the wall/ledge right behind Rayne. We've left the blowing hair behind her
in the back layer here; hair is particularly hard to cut.

In Layer 3, we step right beyond the ledge. We have also cut out some of the thickness
of Rayne's hair, giving it the illusion of cascading into the background.

Layer 4, we've stepped up to the clothing beyond her skirt, and cut the neck out
of this layer, giving more definition to her body.

Layer 5! Here we've added just two finishing touches: the tip of her dress fabric
on the left (hard to see), and the scroll, plus the hand & forearm that hold it.

...and then a bonus sixth layer:

Rayne, you will make a lovely Commander!


Monday, March 24, 2014

WCC 3/24/14: Weekend cap, Born of the Gods League Results!

Welcome back! Hope your weekend was blast (of not-cold weather)! We had two Fantasy Flight Store Championships these last two days: X-Wing Miniatures, and Star Wars LCG! Both went very well, and our player base for the X-Wing Miniatures game is on a sharp rise!

We plan on doing several sweet and semi-regular events for X-Wing Miniatures in the not-so-distant future. Have you seen these beautiful models?

Here's a taste of some new releases coming out for X-Wing Miniatures:

Pictured from left to right: E-Wing, Z-95 Headhunter, Tie Defender, and Tie Phantom expansion packs

We now have the capacity to run up to ten simultaneous games of X-Wing Miniatures, each on beautiful 36x36 space-themed playmats!

So, today marks the completion of our Born of the Gods Sealed League!

We have several prizes to give out! Here's the full scoop on our "Top 4":

4th Place, winning 3 packs of Born of the Gods and a high-five from himself: Me!

3rd Place, winning 3 packs of Born of the Gods, a promo Tromokratis, and a promo Phalanx Leader: Pablo Berrios!

2nd Place, winning 4 packs of Born of the Gods, a promo Tromokratis, and a promo Phalanx Leader:
Alex Moreschi!

...and in a four-way-TIE for 1st Place, each winning 6 packs of Born of the Gods, a promo Tromokratis, and a promo Phalanx Leader: Mikey Prathumratura, Barry Burke, David Tardif, and David Lakhman!

Congratulations everyone! 

We will hold your prizes for you at the shop and you may pick them up at your convenience :-)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weekly Curio Cast 3/16: Some Important New Things :-)

...and we're back!

Many of you may have noticed that Curio has been undergoing some rather visual changes lately: A full compliment of new tables, and we took down the back wall divider to open up more space. Some action shots:

Ooh, what's this do... zzzzzzzap

Back-Up Back-Door: Complete.

There was never a wall. No one will believe you.

We hope that everyone has been a fan of our changes! We're not through with the process yet, for sure. Some more immediate things we have planned are to patch up the lack of flooring tile left by the wall's absence, removal of the locker units, and installation of another row of tables. Yayyyy, seats!

Another change in the works is a completely new and pretty website. What we have now at is modest and gets the job done in some senses, but we are dreaming bigger. We aim to incorporate far more, including an eventual online store!

On top of that, we have some rather potent renovation plans for the next several months. We'll keep that all under wraps for now. You'll be pleased ;-)

So, obviously the DCC has been slipping into the Aether. Our time, mine specifically, has been pretty consumed with changes and a healthy dose of personal business as well. 

I have made the executive decision to officially change the DCC to the WCC. It will be weekly, posted every Monday, instead of daily. This will allow me some personal breathing room, and it will allow for the WCC to be richer in content!

And then there's this:

As of the posting of this WCC,

Our Magic the Gathering Booster Boxes are now $99!

This applies to all non-foreign, Standard-legal, in-print Magic booster boxes, and is a permanent change (Until something crazy happens).


Standard Magic Booster Box Preorders are $95/box!

We will be doing this for every future Standard Magic set (including Journey into Nyx), until preorder spots fill up. Total number of preorder spots will be based on allocations from our distributors, which can fluctuate from set to set. We will ALSO be taking preorders on Fat Packs and 1-of-each-Intro-Deck for each of these sets as well.

Preorders are now OPEN for Journey Into Nyx Booster Boxes, Fat Packs, & Intro Decks!

Until next week!


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

DCC 3/5/14: Go Get 'Em, Modern Players!

For those of you who don't know, this weekend brings the Magic world another Grand Prix event- Grand Prix RICHMOND, Modern format.

Toted as the "Magic event of the year" and hosted by the infamous Star City Games, Grand Prix Richmond brings the following specs:

Entry fee is $40, and it includes:

This amazing promo card:

This sweet playmat:

...and Star City Games is including 5 commemorative token cards, a SCG deckbox, and a 1-month free membership card to their website.

Prize support will be ginormous.

Also, players who register for Grand Prix Richmond will additionally have the option to register for one free Mini-Master flight between Noon-2pm on Friday afternoon. Mini-Master flight participants are given one booster pack to construct a deck, then receive an additional booster pack to enhance their deck after each round won. Mini-Master flights are single-elimination and begin as soon as 32 players have registered for that flight. The winner of each flight will receive a Modern Masters booster pack and additional perks.

There will be several Magic artists on site ready to sign cards (and more): Matt Stewart, Noah Bradley, Cynthia Sheppard, and Kristen Plescow.

Tons of exciting side events will be running all day long too!

So, to our local Modern players: we wish you the best of luck in dominating this event!

We hope to provide you with an excellent testing grounds this Thursday (tomorrow) before you launch into GP Richmond. We know we were packed last Thursday, but we do have a few useful changes since then, including a whole set of new tables that allow for more seating! :-)

Good luck ^____^


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

DCC 3/4/14: Netrunner Tournament League: League Cycle begins!

I will resist the urge to comment on the weather... also, yeah- the last two DCCs were sorta missed. Sorry about that! Things got pretty unexpectedly busy, combined with personal illness. All is better now!

So, yesterday began our very exciting first League Cycle for the...


Sign-ups are beginning! Come on in and play some excellent games of Netrunner! You can play any day of the week, and there are usually people here to play against all the time. Signing up gets you a free promo card too- and right now it's a choice between the Scorched Earth or the Adonis Campaign promos!

Our first Netrunner League Cycle TOURNAMENT will be on Sunday, 3/30/14!